Hang a Fang
/// Double pass
rects.map(rect => toCoords(x).add(Inverse(toCoords(rect))))
// Single pass
rects.foldMap(rect => Min(toCoords(x).add(Inverse(toCoords(rect))))
I Guess the Ground Has Been Fixed
/- Snapshot Testing
- Jest
- Monoid
- Denotational Semantics
- Equational Reasoning
- Operational
- Free Monad
- A Categorical View of Computational Effects - Dr. Emily Riehl
- Conventional Changelog
- Incremental tweet
- Zipper
- `choose` Your Own Derivative - Kenneth Foner
- Delimited continuations in operating systems
- instant-vrt
- Types All The Way Down - Kris Jenkins
- Servant
The Howling Fantods
/- Zodiac Killer
- Ted Cruz-Zodiac meme
- Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog
- Zipper
- Distributive
- Representable
- Traversable
- Adjunction
- purescript-substructural
- Substructural type system
- Free Modules and Functional Linear Functionals
- Module
- Moby Dick
- HOUND Voice Search & Assistant
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- Moore Machine
- Mealy Machine
- The Expression Problem
- Monoids: Theme and Variations