I Guess the Ground Has Been Fixed
/- Snapshot Testing
- Jest
- Monoid
- Denotational Semantics
- Equational Reasoning
- Operational
- Free Monad
- A Categorical View of Computational Effects - Dr. Emily Riehl
- Conventional Changelog
- Incremental tweet
- Zipper
- `choose` Your Own Derivative - Kenneth Foner
- Delimited continuations in operating systems
- instant-vrt
- Types All The Way Down - Kris Jenkins
- Servant
You Can't Refactor Aristotle into Newton
/- Total Request Live
- Broad City
- Hannibal Buress
- Project Homeless Connect
- Tenderloin
- Free vs Monad Transformers - Chris Penner
- free
- freer
- recursion-schemes
- operational
- Functional Programming with Overloading and Higher-Order Polymorphism - Mark P. Jones
- redux
- Haskell Sucks! - Paul Bone
- Subscriptions
- Commands
- Building composable abstractions - Eric Normand
We Got Chairs
/- loop/recur (06:21)
- Lattice-based access control (LBAC) (08:40)
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) (08:50)
- Set inclusion (09:14)
- Poset (09:16)
- Power set (09:18)
- Distributive lattice (09:21)
- Lattice (09:34)
- Join and meet (09:44)
- A Lattice Model of Secure Information Flow - Dorothy E. Denning
- Lattice-Based Access Control Models - Ravi S. Sandhu
- JSON Schema (15:49)
- DGML (17:59)
- DOT (graph description language) (18:04)
- GraphViz (18:09)
Fire Up Your Lite-Brite
/- Bocce
- Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling - Debasish Ghosh (2:50)
- right seminear-ring (7:15)
- What the heck is a right-seminearring? (also MonadPlus stuff)
- elmzed (9:00)
- Unison (9:20)
- elm-brands (13:40)
- Freer (16:01)
- recursion schemes (17:01)
- matryoshka (18:40)
- Functional Programming with Bananas, Lenses, Envelopes and Barbed Wire (18:57)
- Unifying Structured Recursion Schemes (19:32)
Jesse Down South
/- ConnectTech (2:20)
- Dandie Dinmont (4:07)
- Oh Composable World! - Brian Lonsdorf (5:20)
- Applicative Effects in Free Monads (8:09)
- "Anything free is relative to what you forget" (11:32)
liftFree (Const "a") <*> liftFree (Const "b") = Free (Const "ab") liftFree (Const "a") `ap` liftFree (Const "b") = Free (Const "a")
- Eta (formerly GHCVM) (16:16)
- Lets make Minecraft mod on Haskell (16:30)
- Apex (16:44)
- LINQ (17:00)
- Extensible Records (17:45)
- purescript-typelevel (18:05)
- purescript-typelevel-eval (18:15)
- Idris (18:26)
- Jesse Williamson (22:50)