Haskell and Chill
/- Chris Penner
- Hanabi
- Skyladder
- Mindfulness meditation
- Primitive Obsession
- Boolean Blindness
- Destroy All Ifs
- MuniHac 2016: Beautiful folds are practical, too
- purescript-halogen
- Integrating PureScript and Halogen into JavaScript Applications
- The J Programming Language
- Numeronym
- As-patterns
- Comonads, Monoids and Trees
It's a Space Zipper
/- elm-profunctors - (0:48)
- Comonads as Spaces - (8:24)
- Cofun with cofree comonads - (11:23)
- Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming - (21:53)
- @MagicReadAlong - (22:46)