The Hello World of State Machines
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Nobody's Ever Seen the Number Two
/- ForwardJS
- Object-oriented programming
- Structured programming
- Factory
- Null Object
- Category Theory
- Free Functor
- Forgetful Functor
- Catamorphism
- Anamorphism
- Representable
- Comonad
- Monad
- Procedural Programming
- Homotopy Type Theory
- Dijkstra on Abstraction
- Semaphore
- Adho mukha śvānāsana
- Sciatica
- Design Patterns in Haskell
- Strategy
Curry-Howard the Duck
/- Teaching New Tricks to Old Programs - Conal Elliott
- Category
- Cartesian Monoidal Category
- Cocartesian Monoidal Category
- Representable Functor
- Comonad
- Building up Zippers from Distributive, Representable, and Cofree
- Cofree
- Free From Tree
- Rose Tree
- Mutation Testing
- QuickCheck
- Heyting Algebra
- Boolean Algebra
- Law of excluded middle