Curry-Howard the Duck
/- Teaching New Tricks to Old Programs - Conal Elliott
- Category
- Cartesian Monoidal Category
- Cocartesian Monoidal Category
- Representable Functor
- Comonad
- Building up Zippers from Distributive, Representable, and Cofree
- Cofree
- Free From Tree
- Rose Tree
- Mutation Testing
- QuickCheck
- Heyting Algebra
- Boolean Algebra
- Law of excluded middle
You Should Watch This
/- Thrift
- SacJS
- Dalton A Mitchell
- Kyle Simpson
- Transducers are Monoid Homomorphisms
- Adjunction
- Redux
- Endo
- Kleisli
- CoKleisli
- foldMap
- Fairbairn Threshold
- Connascence Examined - Jim Weirich
- It's a Universal Universal Construction
- Tagless-Final Style
- Hutton's Razor
- Beyond Free Monads - John DeGoes
- Abstract syntax tree
- Algebraic data type
- Type Driven Development with Idris
It's Like Faulkner
/- Sweet Baby Ray's
- Elm is Wrong
- Why type classes aren’t important in Elm yet
- Adjunction
- Free
- Cofree
- Reader
- Writer
- Env
- Monad
- Comonad
- Any homomorphism, f, between monoids is completely determined once you
know where a set of generators of the monoid map under the
homomorphism, and vice versa. - Dan Piponi - Category
- Forgetful functor
- Isomorphism
- Galois connection
- If you find that a design forces you into making ad hoc decisions, you are missing an adjunction somewhere. - Rúnar Bjarnason
- React Component
- Contravariant
- Closure
- Profunctor
- Opaleye
- Arrows
- postgresql-typed
- Yesod
- scotty
- Everything Old is New Again: Quoted Domain Specific Languages - Philip Wadler
- Views
Mobbin' It
/- Pine State Biscuits
- Finger Tree
- Limits and Colimits - Bartosz Milewiski
- Category Theory II
- Elm Is Wrong
- Elm user group SF
- Expression Problem
- Who's Afraid of Object Algebras
- Typed final (tagless-final) style
- Extensibility for the Masses Practical Extensibility with Object Algebras
- Free Category
- Adjunction
- Free Functor
- Forgetful Functor
- Galois Connection
The Ocean of Regret
/- Are Denotational Semantics Adjoint to Hacking Something Together?
- Group
- Free Group
- Free Monoid
- Free Object
- Idempotence
- Lattice
- Join and Meet
- Monotonic function
- Semilattice
- Profunctor
- Strong Profunctor
- Arrow
- purescript-profunctor-lenses
- Monoids on Steroids - Bartosz Milewski
- miniKanren
- discrimination - Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction.
- Monoids: Theme and Variations (Functional Pearl) - Brent A. Yorgey
- Bronchiolitis obliterans
- elmzed
- purescript-halogen
- Pux
It's a Universal Universal Construction
/- Programming talks
- Category Theory for the Sciences
- colimits
- Pullback
- limits
- Universal property
- ncatLab
- Vincent Orr's egghead videos
- CSS maintenables avec Sass & Compass
- Functional Light JS
- No Silver Bullets in Functional Programming
- Definite Clause Grammar
- Integrating PureScript and Halogen into JavaScript Applications