Are Denotational Semantics Adjoint to Hacking Something Together?
/- 2 12 constructive Galois Connections: Taming the Galois Connection Framework for Mechanazed Metathe
- Galois Connection
- An Exercise Utilising Galois Connections
- Denotational semantics
- Deriving Functor
- purescript-filterable
- excursion
- purescript-matryoshka
- apomorphism
- anamorphism
- histomorphism
- futumorphism
- Group
- :not
- Ring
- Boolean algebra
- Heyting algebra
- Idempotence
- Lattice
- Semigroup
- Monoid
- Commutative property
- Semilattice
Put an Iframe on it, Done!
/- Dreamforce
- Elmlang PSA
- Denotational Design From Meanings to Programs - Conal Elliott
- Add a type parameter! One 'simple' design change, a panoply of outcomes - Stephen Compall
- Boston Haskell Lightning talks - Dec. 2014
- Modularity and Abstraction in Functional Programming - Chris Martens
- Évariste Galois
- Functional Geekery Episode 67 - Hardy Jones
- Galois Connection
- Galois Connections - Array out Bounds Checking
- Making Impossible States Impossible - Richard Feldman
- Practically functional programming - Connect.Tech
- h3h3productions
The DOM in One Hand
/- Strange Loop
- Q&A Panel - ElmConf
- radix sort
- Radix Sort Visualization
- Fritz Henglein
- Generic Top-down Discrimination for Sorting and Partitioning in Linear Time - Fritz Henglein
- Quicker Sort? Implementing generic linear time sorting - Declan Conlon
- Discrimination is Wrong: Improving Productivity - Edward Kmett
- Denotational Design: From Meanings to Programs
- Denotational Semantics
- F-Algebra