What Are You Doing, Dog?
/- Magic Read Along is creating a Podcast
- Switch from Eff to IO
- purescript-st
- purescript-exceptions
- purescript-run
- purescript-run-console-experiment
- recursion schemes
- Hutton's razor
- Flow
- TypeScript
- create-react-app
- Medium
- Disqus
- Slate
- Automatic differentiation
- A variant on UIs I'd like to try - Phil Freeman
- Zipper
- Zippers Using Representable And Cofree
- Making Impossible States Impossible - Richard Feldman
The Hello World of State Machines
/We launched a Patreon! If you like what we're doing, consider supporting the show. https://www.patreon.com/magicreadalong
Curry-Howard the Duck
/- Teaching New Tricks to Old Programs - Conal Elliott
- Category
- Cartesian Monoidal Category
- Cocartesian Monoidal Category
- Representable Functor
- Comonad
- Building up Zippers from Distributive, Representable, and Cofree
- Cofree
- Free From Tree
- Rose Tree
- Mutation Testing
- QuickCheck
- Heyting Algebra
- Boolean Algebra
- Law of excluded middle